Dear Friends,
I hope everyone is doing good and sane in this unprecedented time. While these are uncertain times, families are together and that there is joy, chaos, love and hope in our heart.
I would like to invite everyone to join me in Back to School Portrait Session Quarantine Style. Feel free to share the word.
About the Session
Cost: For this session, we are asking donation to the food bank or Project 150 Learn more about here: Project 150
With your donation you will receive a FREE Session and one digital image that you view via online gallery. You can purchase additional images for $25 each (regular price of $190) Please note – this is NOT required.
How It Works: We will be coming to your homes for 15 minutes session of your children, parents are welcome to join them. For safety, we will be maintaining a social distancing. Session will take place at your porch or front yard.
NOTE: This is only for zip code 89129, 89130, 89131, 89132, we are adding more in our next schedule. If you're interested and your zip is not on list text your info to 2084736073 to be put on the waiting list. Session must be done between July 19 to Aug 19, 2020
Book Your Session:
View sample of Back To School Session: